Saturday, September 13, 2008

Infants Milk Powder Contaminated with Toxic Melamine

Updated FCC Developmental Melamine Quantitation (HPLC-UV) and GC-MS Screen for the Presence of Melamine. The sample pre-treatment really matters a lots on the assay result.

Call me if want the detail Method (Adapted from FDA/ORA Forensic Chemistry Center SOP T015) .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Molecular ion of CH3I ??

I am not sure what is your question? So sorry if my answer is wrong, the molecular ion should be 127. But I had no idea of the second Mass Spectrum. Do then have any relationship? or you sent me a wrong Mass Spectrum?

Thanks for your update...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Agilen* 1100: Pump Preventive Maintenance

Today, firstly finished a "Preventive Maintenance" on the pump @ Agilen* 1100 system at Sept-08-2008. ( the fourth PM on the Agilen* LC system since 2004)

The system is working well, except a high frequency noise come from the Quan-Pump -> when the pump delivery mobile phase, the Sapphire Plunger forward and back -> a scratching noise from the pump.

-> found lots of dark matter in the pump, use the MeOH and H2O to wash ->

use the IPA to prime the LC system for 30 min. done!!!

Next step: should order the Preventive Maintenance kit and finish the PM task on the autosampler and VWD.

Note: some catalog #01018-68722, # G1311-68710.