Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The FID Detection Limitation ( g/s)

One more question for the FID.

The FID detection limitation ( g/s) is : 2NW/A.

N is the Baseline noise (A)
W is the Mass of n-Hexadecane (g)
A is the Average area amount of n-Hexadecane ( A• s)

So, how to calculate the Baseline Noise (A)?

(1) The Noise (N: peak to peak) is measure over a representative section of baseline equal to 20 times the width of the analyte peak ( Wi).

(2) When the instrument is under optimal conditions that produce a continuous, electronic output, the Noise ( N ) may be measured from the Peak to Peak Variation ( N: peak to peak) in the baseline signal.

N = N:peak to peak
