Column: HP-5.
Oven Initial Temp: 150℃ hold 2min, then to 270℃@ 10℃/min for 23min.
Injection: Splitless @ 280, 1 ul.
Carrier gas: Helium @ 6ml/min.
ECD Temp: 300.
Make-Up gas: 30ml/min.
Deltamethrin Conc.: 0.1mg/L.
From this first chromatogram, the second peak in the 1st chromatogram should be the peak of Deltamethrin. However, that is NOT good one.
My first doubt was drawn by that flow rate (6ml/min): what is the diameter of that HP-5 column? Maybe 0.32 mm ( correct me if I am wrong) , so why use so high flow rate?
Any specific reason?
Tips: Increase the ECD Temp to 300 degree C, low down the initial temp to 110 degree C, adjust to flow rate according the diameter of the column. That maybe helps.
Here is my method used @ Feb-2005:
Column : HP-1, 5 m X 0.53 mm X 2.5 um
Inlet Temp: 280 ℃
ECD: 300 ℃
N2: purity NMT 99.99%, 13 ml/min
Then the retention time of Deltamethrin peak is 7.3 min.