Basic Operation Procedure of Agilent 6890N-5975 MSD (1)
Lots of calling for asking some newbie questions “How to turn on GC-MS” or “Do I need to turn off at Friday afternoon?” “How to edit entire method” ect.
(1)Double click “Config” Icon to access the MSD System Configuration
(2, 3, 4) Select the “1” and click the “2” to enter the IP Address
(5) Always select the “Electron Ionization” as the Ionization Option, only select the “Chemical Ionization” when it is available
(6) Look up the Auto-tuning report or the Instruction manual of the MSD to secure the right DC Polarity
Now it is turn for GC system configuration
(7, 8) Select the “1” and click the “2” to enter the IP Address
(9) Select the “Enhanced Quantitation”(10, 11) Now, get a final review system configuration. Close the program, DONE!
(12) Then will two Icons on the computer desktop: “Instrument # 1” and “Instrument # 1 Data Analysis”PS:Thanks for the Agilent Technologies, Inc
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