GC/MSD -> Instrument Control -> Qualify\Checkout Tune
GC/MSD -> Instrument Control -> Qualify\Checkout Tune
After the pump down, it is difficult for make sure the GC-MSD system is ready to run sample. Only have two resources to check: Ino gauge (<5.0>
Here is a technical note how to use the Diagnostics to check the leak, contaminants in GC-MSD.
Here is a technical note how to use the Diagnostics to check the leak, contaminants in GC-MSD.
(a) Instrument Control -> Diagnostics/Vaccum Control, Diagnostics -> Diagnostics\ Edit MS Params
(b) Edit Parameters -> MoreParams -> AcqParams
(c) Acquisition & Display Param, check the Mass(1~3, maximum 3) &Scan Range
(d) Mass Peaks of Common Contaminants
(e) When need to check the leak in GC-MSD system, focus on the air-ion peaks. i.g. the N2 (28) & O2 (32) . Acquisition & Display Param -> Mass1 is 69、Mass2 is 28, Mass3 is 32 AND Scan Range IS From 10 To 70.
Go back Edit Parameters -> Scan: when the Ion 28 / Ion 32 is 4:1, that is to say there is a leakage in the GC-MSD. (Why 4:1, recall what are composites in the AIR?)
Note: Look the Blog@July-23-2008 for the Contamination Peaks.
Note: Look the Blog@July-23-2008 for the Contamination Peaks.